The STAR, Friday June 27, 2008
Extra RM30b for development
KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has proposed an increase to the development allocation ceiling from RM200bil to RM230bil for the mid-term period of the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP) due to rising costs.
“I would like to emphasise that the Federal Government will continue to implement the 9MP (2006-2010) development projects in all states,” he said at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday, when tabling the motion on the mid-term review of the plan.
For the latter period of the Ninth Malaysia Plan, the Government would continue to manage the macro economy in a prudent manner to ensure that the economic fundamentals remained strong, he said.
PM’s hour: Abdullah tabling the motion on the mid-term review of the Ninth Malaysian Plan in Parliament Thursday.
While the global economic growth is projected to moderate at 4.1% for the 2008-2010 period, the Malaysian economy is forecast to expand at an average of 6% per annum.
Abdullah said the policy and strategy framework for the mid-term review would focus on five main thrusts:
> Moving the economy up the value chain by increasing productivity and competitiveness, generating new sources of growth and expanding the markets for the country’s goods and services;
Bla bla bla…
The STAR 27th JUNE 2008
Not very long ago, we heard the government is suffering financially due to the rising cost of crude oil worldwide. They told us that they are “forced” to increase the price or otherwise the government will be “bankrupted”. Forty percent increase in the market petrol price is high when almost every citizen in Malaysia comes from middle-class or lower family. With such increase, everything (price wise) will go up.
To absorb/ cushion the impact from the price increase, the government came up with giving rebates to these “poor” people. I asked 1 question to myself, are the people who have transport the only group affected with the increase? The answer is NO. People with vehicles pay for fuel and rebated (so little), that’s fine; however the government overlooked the other minority, the group that rely entirely to the public transport. They are affected as well, if not as bad as those with cars and bikes. What the government has given to them to “protect” their right?
Stop bullshitting about spending wisely and using public transport, dear ministers. You all have no idea how our monthly income is just enough to cover our basic daily expenses. You also don’t have a single fucking idea how bad the public transport is, especially during peak hours especially with the KTM.
Cakap melayu laa baru sedap sket bantai org atas2 ni..hahahaha. Aku dengar beberapa hari lps naik minyak, kerajaan cakap kene stop kan projek-projek mega ni…makanan tak cukup, harga barang naik, perbelanjaan meningkat…yang kaya memang terus kaya laa…org pertengahan macam aku ni cukup2 makan je…dapat save RM 100 sebulan pun dah cukup bertuah laa…yang miskin tu takyah cakap laa, aku rase kalau sebelum harga naik ni, diorang cukup2 makan je…tapi sekarang ni, susah nak cakap. Ntah2 merempat kat negara sendiri…
Kecoh2 pasal harga minyak ni tak reda lagi, tup tup semalam Yang Amat Berhormat PM kite (aku undi die time PRU haritu) announce pasal RMK9…Tambahan RM 3 Bil untuk projek2 mega ni walhal aritu kate nak stop…nak jimat laa ape laaa…Aku bukan nak bangkang, bagus laa buat sesuatu untuk menyenangkan rakyat…Tapi fakir laa, ade lagi rakyat Malaysia yang tak cukup makan tau tak…
Korang rasa camne dgn tindakan Pak Lah ni? Adakah berbaloi? Dapatkah RMK9 ni memberi manfaat kepada golongan pertengahan dan bawah macam kite ni? Macam biasalaa nanti Paklah cakap “Saya tak bole nak buat sume orang gembira”
“Aku buat kroni aku gembira dulu laa…hahahaha.padan muka korang”-ni aku tambah2 sendiri...Komen laa kalau korang pon bengang dengan ape yang jadi sekarang…Kate2 terakhir aku buat hari ni, Paklah oooo Paklah, menyesal aku undi kau haritu…